
Fierce Fro Feature: Monica

Monica's Blog
State your name and age.
My name is Monica Mayon, and I am 38 years old.

Why did you decide to go natural (or why are you natural, if you have been for your whole life)? 
I decided to go natural because I was curious to see what my hair looked like in its natural state.
How do you feel about your hair? I love it. I'm so glad I made that decision.

What products do you use (Include shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, moisturizer, DIY, sealant, and styler if applicable)?
I use Uncle Funky's Daughter Products, but I also use pure Shea butter.

Do you abide by the "rules" for natural hair, or are you a rebel?
I'm a rebel. I do what works for my hair. I know I should detangle more though because I get quite a few knots on my ends.

What is your hair regimen?
I wash once every month. I co-wash once a week. The rest of the days I just keep it moisturized.

What are your favorite hairstyles? My favorite style is my Afro puff.

 What has been the hardest part of your natural hair journey?
The hardest part for me is detangling and watching my hair shed during the process. I'm still learning that this has to happen. The dead hair must go.

 What has being natural taught you? 
Being natural has taught me to appreciate the hair God gave me. I used to wear a LOT of weaves. I was tired.

What tips/suggestions do you have for other naturals/transitioners? Be patient. Be persistent. It's worth it!

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