
Guest Blogger: My One Year Natural Hair Story

My Hair Story – Nerline Of ChicFromHair2Toe

My Hair Story - Nerline Of ChicFromHair2Toe (1) Introduce yourself . . .
I am Nerline Germain. The name is French. I am originally from Haiti, but I have been living in the US for over 16 years. I have been married since 2005, and I have one boy and one girl. I lived in NY for 7 years where I got a degree in Computer Operations. I blog 75% of my time.

Are you relaxed, natural, texturized or texlaxed?
I have been natural for over one year now.

What’s your story, how did you get to where you are?
I have always wanted to go natural, but I was afraid that I would look weird, or people, especially my husband, would not accept me. I would go natural for nine months, then relax my hair again because I did not know what to do with it, how to style it, or how to take care of it.
On August 2011, I found youtube and I started to take care of my relaxed hair. I became a youtube addict. I would sit in front of the computer for hours watching videos on how to get long hair.
I really got inspired. I have decided to go natural after a relaxer almost burned my scalp. I was taking multivitamins at the time, which made my hair very strong.
My Hair Story - Nerline Of ChicFromHair2Toe (2) I tried the regular relaxer on my hair in October of 2011, but it did not take. Then I tried a relaxer for coarse hair. It fried my hair and I lost all the hair in the middle of my head. That’s when I made the decision never to relax my hair again.
So on June 25th, 2012, I did the big chop. The relaxer was fine. The problem was with my hair.

What is your typical weekly regimen?
I wash my hair every Tuesday. I do a pre-poo treatment with coconut oil, wash it with a moisturizing shampoo(TREsemme), deep condition it with a homemade deep conditioner (avocado, honey, banana, EVOO). I rinse my hair out, wash it again with my regular conditioner (TREsemme moisture rich conditioner), and proceed to moisturizing (Scurl "No Drip" activator moisturizer) and sealing my hair ( My Shea butter mix).

Big Chop

Are you happy with your progress so far? I am beyond happy now. My hair is at the length that it was before the big chop. My only problem is that I keep braiding my hair and that has damaged my edges a little.
What’s your signature style?
My signature style is a bun. Being able to put my hair in a bun is a big accomplishment for me.
My Hair Story - Nerline Of ChicFromHair2Toe (3) How do you ensure that your ends are protected from the elements and your hands?
The only way for me to stop touching my hair is protective styles. I get crochet and micro braids a lot, so these two styles help me keep my hands off my hair. When my hair is not braided I love to wear a silk scarf to protect it against my cotton pillow case.

Do you have a goal length or are you more concerned about the health of your hair?
Waist length is my goal. Waist length when my hair is straightened, but mid-back length is okay, too.
Is there anything that you hair hates?
My hair tends to hate too much protein. I don’t understand why it happens, but it does. My hair becomes very fragile when I use protein a lot.

Do you have any favorite hair products?
Jamaican black castor oil and Scurl “No drip” activator moisturizer. I have fallen in love with honey and extra virgin olive oil lately.

What has being natural taught you?
Being natural has taught me to be patient. See, my hair is still not the length that I want it to be, but I am sure that it will be further than where it is now next year.

Where can we find you online?
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ajgermain2007
Blog: www.chicfromhair2toe.com/
Twitter: @fromhair2toe
Instagram: @nerline77

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