
Fierce Fro Feature: Nicole Williams

natural hair, long natural hair, afro hair, afro puff, jamaican naturals, caribbean naturals, waist length natural hair, Kreamy Kurls, natural hair blogger, long black hair,natural hair journey, long term transitioner, transitioning hair

How long have you been natural? 
This time around I've been natural for 1 year and 9 months. I had gone natural before but I had locked my hair this time I am just growing it out without locking.

What's your hair story? 
I had loced my hair in the past, kept it for about 4 years but then I cut it and went back to chemicals. In 2012 about a month before I found out I was pregnant I started my return to natural. The pregnancy aided the process, as it gave me a reason to stay on track.  As my hair grew I became re-acquainted and had to learn how to embrace it, and in so I learnt how to embrace me - my natural kinks made me a stronger woman.
natural hair, long natural hair, afro hair, afro puff, jamaican naturals, caribbean naturals, waist length natural hair, Kreamy Kurls, natural hair blogger, long black hair,natural hair journey, long term transitioner, transitioning hair

How do you feel about your hair? 
I love my hair! It's much stronger and more flexible.

What are some of your favorite products? 
As a lifestyle blogger and brand strategist I'm always trying new products. However my staples are Organic Root Stimulator Lock & Twist Gel,  Organics by Africa's Best Olive Oil Shine Extra Virgin, and the Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Moisture Gro. I also like Design Essentials' Natural Twist & Set Lotion.

Describe your hair regimen What are your favorite hairstyles? 
I currently wash my hair every other week. I do not have one steady shampoo that I use as I'm always getting new products to try but I keep Cantu Shea Butter Moisturizing Cream Shampoo as my go to cleanser.  Since September of last year I've been using the Christo Sea Treatment Conditioner (I received a few bottles at fashion week), it contains seaweed extract and keratin amino acids to heal distressed hair.

My go to hairstyle is always the twist out and the braid out depending on how tight I want my curls. To take advantage of my hair's flexibility, I've been doing some braided extensions.
natural hair, long natural hair, afro hair, afro puff, jamaican naturals, caribbean naturals, waist length natural hair, Kreamy Kurls, natural hair blogger, long black hair,natural hair journey, long term transitioner, transitioning hair

What has been the hardest part of your natural hair journey? 
The hardest part was dealing with the breakage but my go to products helps to keep my hair really moisturized and soft so I don't deal with too much of that now. But I do struggle with whether I should color the ends, as that would mean introducing bleach.

Where can you be found on the web? 
You can find me over at Nicole's Lifestyle Lounge http://Blog.NicoleWilliamsPR.com, a lifestyle blog where I feature fashion, event planning, entertainment, health & beauty, fitness and relationship commentary. You can also find me on Facebook at Nicole Williams PR, and Twitter @LabelsByNicole.

What tips/suggestions do you have for other naturals/transitioners? 
To anyone transitioning, the process is really a journey, one that you should enjoy.  Try not to compare your hair too much to others, as every hair is different.  Learn your hair paying close attention to what works for it and overtime it will get easier and much more fun.

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natural hair, long natural hair, afro hair, afro puff, jamaican naturals, caribbean naturals, waist length natural hair, Kreamy Kurls, natural hair blogger, long black hair,natural hair journey, long term transitioner, transitioning hairnatural hair, long natural hair, afro hair, afro puff, jamaican naturals, caribbean naturals, waist length natural hair, Kreamy Kurls, natural hair blogger, long black hair,natural hair journey, long term transitioner, transitioning hairnatural hair, long natural hair, afro hair, afro puff, jamaican naturals, caribbean naturals, waist length natural hair, Kreamy Kurls, natural hair blogger, long black hair,natural hair journey, long term transitioner, transitioning hair

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